
Accelerated Reader (AR) Lab

Accelerated reader is a supplemental reading program which encourages students to read books and take online comprehension tests on these books. The chairperson will work with the program coordinator to manage this program. 

Previously, volunteers for this committee  help to manage the AR library and staff the computer lab as students take AR tests in the morning. 

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee

Accelerated Reader (AR) Parties & Incentives 

This committee will create and maintain displays to track students' progress in the AR program. They will plan the AR Parties and awards for the students who earn them.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee 

Assemblies & Safety Days

The PTA arranges at least two fun, educational, and enjoyable in-school programs/assemblies for the students each year. The chairperson will be the contact person for the companies, organize any needs for their time at Bon Air, fill out contracts, and process payment. All dates and programs must be approved by the school and should be age appropriate. 

For Safety Days, a mini program is held to inform students of safety practices, as well as making them aware of the various safety departments within the community. Demonstrators from these departments may be scheduled for the students to view and obtain information and have questions answered. The chairperson will work with the school to plan events. Volunteers with help throughout the day.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee 

Bee Amazing (Positive Behavior Program)

This committee will work together to create and maintain the display case and bulletin board to advertise the theme and post the winners of the positive behavior recognition program led by the principal and guidance counselor. The committee will also help to label and distribute the awardees' certificates.

Book Fair 

There are three book fairs each year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. The goal for having book fairs is to encourage students to read and to put books into the hands of students.  Volunteers help students to shop during the fair and to help set up and tear down the fair.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee 

Bulletin Boards 

There are three (possibly more) bulletin boards in the school that are maintained by the PTA: a Membership board, a birthday board, and a positive behavior board. Volunteers use their creativity to help decorate these boards at school.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee

Earth Week

Earth Week is held during the week of Earth Day (April 22 each year). Students do activities in celebration of Earth Day such as planting seeds, making items out of natural materials, and other awareness-raising and fun things. Volunteers help pick up the materials, assist children, create activities, and other tasks as needed.  This 2022-2023 School year we also started recycling plastic squeezable pouches and caps through Terra Cycle.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee 

Field Day

This is a half-day event for students at the end of the school year. Students play games and have activities outside. The chairperson will work with the school staff to organize the volunteers needed for the event as well as communicate with the volunteers.

Volunteers assist with set up and clean up of the day.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee 


Fundraising provides the funds that the PTA needs for its programs. PTA pays for students to go on field trips, funds many activities, and purchases needed supplies. Cooperation is needed from all school families so that PTA is able to continue to provide services and programs. 

The chairperson will research fundraising opportunities, bring the information to the PTA and school for approval, and plan the fundraisers. Volunteers will assist as needed.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee if activities take place during school hours

Holiday Parties

There are three parties during the school year: Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day. Volunteers are needed to plan the activities (games, crafts, etc.) and to help during the parties. The chairperson will gather sign up forms, make lists of party helpers, and communicate with the Homeroom Representatives. The Homeroom Representative for each classroom will be responsible for communicating with the classroom's volunteers.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee

Holiday Workshop 

A Holiday Workshop is held during December to give the students an opportunity to purchase gifts for their loved ones. The chairperson will select a company and/or purchase the items and organize the workshop, coordinate with Bon Air to choose a week to run the sale, set the schedule with teachers, and obtain school approval. Volunteers are needed each day to work at the sale, assisting children with shopping and wrapping their gifts.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee

Homeroom Representatives

Each classroom needs a Homeroom Representative. The main responsibility of a Homeroom Rep is to help organize parents to plan the holiday parties. This includes communicating with parents from a given party list and relaying important information regarding the parties. You would also be responsible for decorating the teacher’s door during Teacher Appreciation Week in May.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee for activities during school hours

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle through fun and educational activities. In addition to planning activities for students, the school is decorated and there are classroom pledges to be Drug-Free. 

National Red Ribbon Week is October 23 - 31 each year. The chairperson works with the school to set dates and plan activities for Bon Air students. Volunteers will help as needed.


The Reflections Arts Program is a national arts recognition and achievement program for students. The chairperson is responsible for correspondence with the Council, Regional, Pennsylvania, and National Reflections Committees. 

Students will be provided instructions and applications to submit art entries in one of six categories: visual arts, photography, literature, dance choreography, video production, and musical composition. Once entries are submitted, they are categorized and forwarded to be judged on a local (or school) level. All students who enter the Reflections program will be acknowledged at the end of the year awards ceremony, with awards being granted to the judges' top five ranked entries in each category. Any entries that are forwarded to the next level are acknowledged in a council, regional, state-wide, or national awards ceremony. 

Volunteers may be asked to help promote the program (through poster making and hanging emails to be sent home, etc.), collect art entries, prepare the entries for submission to the judges, and returning artwork to students.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee if activities take place during school hours

Service or Charity Event (formerly Relay for Life)

The committee chair will pick a charity/cause to gather donations and provide awareness in honor of. 

In the past, the committee has chosen the American Cancer Society Relay for Life which celebrates people who have battled cancer, remembers loved ones lost, and gives everyone the chance to fight back against the disease. 

The chairperson is responsible for coordinating a schedule and planning events. Volunteers may be needed to run stations and to assist with set up and clean up.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for this committee

Shopping Rewards

The PTA participates in programs that provide money and items to the school in exchange for family participation. These programs include: Box Tops, Tyson's and Campbell's labels, Amazon Smile, Office Depot, and likely many others. The chairperson is responsible for coordinating and publicizing these programs with the help of volunteers as needed.

Spirit Week 

A fun theme is planned for each day for the students to show their school spirit. Activities such as a pep rally or contest may be planned. The chairperson is responsible for working with the school to develop a schedule and plan events.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for activities during the school day 

Spirit - Wear Sale

The chairperson works with the Stewart PTA Spirit Sale chairperson to coordinate the Spirit Sale fundraiser. Volunteers will help as needed.

Staff Recognition

A Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is held each spring to show appreciation to school personnel. The chairperson will schedule and plan events, a luncheon, and surprises or gifts for the staff. Volunteers will help as needed.

They will also coordinate decorating all teachers'/staff member's doors as a means of showing appreciation as well. Volunteers are needed for door decorating and donating food for the luncheon. In the past, clearances have not been needed because door decorating takes place after school hours. 

Summer Reading Challenge

At the end of the school year, the PTA hosts a kickoff event designed to encourage and excite students about reading over the summer. The teachers generate ideas for activities and students receive books to take home. 

The chair will work along with staff in gathering books and creating activities and coordinate volunteers as necessary. Volunteers are needed for various duties in planning the kickoff event as well as at the event itself.

📝  Note: Clearances needed for activities during the school day 

Sweetheart Dance/Valentine Event

The Sweetheart Dance is held around Valentine's Day. It is a big dance the children love to bring an adult guest to. The chairperson will coordinate with the school to set a date for the event, coordinate volunteers for the event, plan the activities for that evening, decorate for the dance, and publicize it to Bon Air students and families. 

Volunteers are needed for selling tickets, making decorations, donating baked goods, decorating, working at the dance in various stations, and the break-down of the event. 

📝  Note: Clearances needed if you are volunteering to sell tickets to students in school

"Public Relations" 

This committee is charged with updating  PTA members, Bon Air families, teachers, and the wider Burrell community about what we as a PTA are doing for our students!  Our primary modes of communication are the this website (, a FaceBook communication page, and regular newsletters (via email).

Volunteers for this committee will be responsible for adding and updating events to the PTA calendar, updating news items, and adding any other sections or information as necessary. Website design experience isn't needed. Google Sites is an easy interface to write and publish in and would be familiar to anyone who's used Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or any other word processing program before.