
Bee Amazing

The Bee Amazing program kicked off for all Bon Air students! Bee Amazing is a program that rewards students for "bee"ing safe, responsible, and respectful.  The 2022-2023 school year, the PTA sponsored gift incentives for this program that is primarily run by the school.

Bulletin Boards

Bon Air PTA maintains 3 or more bulletin boards throughout the school.

Volunteers use their creativity to help decorate these boards at school. 

2022-2023 Bulletin boards

THANK YOU! We wouldn't be able to provide the programs/events without your involvement in fundraising for our students! 


We appreciate ALL efforts in fundraising. They help us provide field trips, great programs and prizes to our Bon Air students!

Fall 2023:  We sold hoagies & pizzas by Marianna's, and Oakbrooks Poppin' Popcorn for a profit of over $5000.  Thanks to all who helped!

Spring 2024: We will sell items from Valos Chocolates and The Pie Shoppe from Feb 16th - Mar 4th, 2024.  Visit for the most up-to-date information!

UNFUNDRAISING: We are also grateful to accept monetary donations in lieu of fundraiser sales! All donations are tax deductible because the PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are accepted via our online store or by sending a check in to school in an envelope marked "Bon Air PTA - Donation." 

Recycling - TerraCycle

In December 2022, we started saving ANY BRAND of squeezable plastic pouches and caps from landfills!  We are collecting the empty packets in this specially-made green bin in the school cafeteria. Once we have collected enough (by weight), we will recycle them through a program with TerraCycle.

We have been able to make almost monthly shipments to TerraCycle!!  We sent 13lbs in January, 17lbs in February and 16lbs in March.  

Simple recycling translates into cash rewards for our PTA and helps to save our planet!

Staff Appreciation 2023

We really wanted to show all the teachers and staff how much we appreciate what they do for our students!  Here's what we organized for the week of May 1 - 5th.

Email with any questions.

Student Supply Closet

The PTA organized a Student Supply Closet to help classroom teachers make sure their students have the classroom supplies that they need.  When needed, teachers will be able to go to the Supply Closet and get supplies for students.  

Donations of crayons, pencils, colored pencils, glue sticks, tissues, and other basic classroom supplies can be sent in to the school marked "PTA Teacher/Student Supply Closet" or brought to our monthly PTA meetings.